Download Revolut

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Download Revolut APK


How to Install this App?

Revolut App file size is 157 MB and the latest version is 9.18.2 (Updated recently). You can install the App from Play Store or directly on Revolut Ltd website. This file might contain some potential risk, please use our virus scanner after downloading this file.

  1. Tap on the Download APK button below.
  2. If we find any risk in the package we will remove the files and you will be redirected to Google Play Store.
  3. Save the com.revolut.revolut( on your device.
  4. Turn on "Unknown sources" on your settings, follow this Phone Settings -> Privacy -> Unknown sources
  5. Open the APK file on your mobile (Download folder).
  6. It will prompt for Install Revolut, click Install and you are done.